CR ESPI 24/2022 Rectificarea actualului raport ESPI 23/2022 privind estimările operaționale și de vânzări ale Grupului AFORTI – august 2022.

Management Board of AFORTI Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: the „Company” „Issuer”) hereby announces to the public the correction of the current report ESPI 23/2022 regarding the estimated operating and sales data of the AFORTI Group for August 2022. The writing error occurred in the content of the ESPI current report 23/2022, in sections 1), 2), and 4) regarding estimated financial data in the field of currency exchange, debt collection orders, and total sales of the AFORTI Capital Group, as well as in Annex 1 to the current report ESPI 23/2022 in the tables on Aforti Exchange, Aforti Collections and the AFORTI Capital Group. Other information remained unchanged. Below we present the content of the report after taking into account the correction:

1) Currency exchange on online platforms

The trading value on the currency exchange platform in August 2022 amounted to approximately PLN 477.16 million and was 21.90 % higher compared to the same period of the previous year.

On a cumulative basis, after eight months of 2022, the total value of trading on the foreign exchange platform reached approximately PLN 3 378.94 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 19.16%.

2) Recovery orders

The nominal value of recovery orders in August 2022 amounted to approximately PLN 105.77 million and was 149.71 % higher year-on-year.

On a cumulative basis, after eight months of 2022, the nominal value of collection orders reached approximately PLN 719.32 million, registering a year-on-year increase of 48.91 %.

3) Debt claims financed

In August 2022, the value of financed receivables by AFORTI Factor amounted to approximately PLN 0.21 million and was down 28.68% year-on-year.

On a cumulative basis, after eight months of the current year AFORTI Factor financed a total of approx. PLN 2.69 million of receivables, recording a reduction of 65.43 % year-on-year.

4) Total sales

In August 2022, total sales in the AFORTI Group amounted to approximately EUR 139.03 million, up 44.19 % year-on-year.

On a cumulative basis, after eight months of 2022, the total value of sales in the AFORTI Group reached approximately EUR 977.72 million, an increase of 31.78 % year-on-year.

5) Total number of customers

In August 2022, the total number of customers in the AFORTI Group was 7.137 and was 10.87 % higher than in the same period of the previous year.

A table containing the reported estimates for August 2022 together with comparative data is attached to this current report.

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