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RB ESPI 15/2023 Decizia președintelui UOKiK privind practicile care încalcă interesele colective ale consumatorilor.
Management Board of AFORTI Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw here in after: the „Company” here by informs that on August 14, 2023 it became aware of the delivery to the Company’s attorney of the decision of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection No. RWR 6/2023 of August 4, 2023 imposing a fine on the Company in the amount of PLN 753,691 for violations involving the use of a bill of exchange in a manner contrary to it’s function and a fine of PLN 36,543 for violations consisting in disseminating false information regarding the safety of funds transferred to the Company and the guarantee of profit, which could have caused consumers to make a decision regarding transferring cash to the Company, i.e. a total penalty of PLN 790,234 hereinafter: „Decision”.
The Management Board of the Company indicates that it does not agree with the content of the Decision and will seek its repeal. The case covered by the Decision was conducted by UOKiK from 2020. Throughout the entire period of the proceedings, the Company’s Management Board cooperated with the representatives of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, submitting evidence confirming the Company’s arguments.
The Management Board of the Company emphasizes that as of January 29, 2021, the Company stopped offering bills of exchange to consumers, which was emphasized by UOKiK in its decision. And during the term of the promissory note offer, information on investment risk was presented in a transparent manner.
The Management Board of the Company performs a legal analysis of the issued Decision, indicating that the Decision is not legally binding, and the penalty imposed on the Company is not due. Pursuant to the instruction attached to the Decision, the Company has the right to appeal to the District Court in Warsaw – Court of Competition and Consumer Protection, within one month from the date of its delivery. In the event of an appeal, the Decision will become final only after the conclusion of the court proceedings.
RB ESPI 14/2023 Date estimative de exploatare și vânzări ale Grupului AFORTI Capital – iulie 2023
The Management Board of AFORTI Holding S.A. based in Warsaw (hereinafter: “Company”, “Issuer”) hereby publishes the estimated operating and sales figures of the AFORTI Capital Group for July 2023.
1) Currency exchange on online platforms
The trading value on the currency exchange platform in July 2023 amounted to approximately PLN 164.44 million and was 66.50% lower compared to the same period of the previous year.
On a cumulative basis, after a seven months of 2023, the total value of trading on the foreign exchange platform reached approximately PLN 2772.76 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of 1.57%.
2) Recovery orders
The nominal value of recovery orders in July 2023 amounted to approximately PLN 92.15 million and was 57.40% lower year-on-year.
On a cumulative basis, after the seven months of 2023, the nominal value of collection orders reached approximately PLN 704.10 million, registering a year-on-year increase of 14.76%.
3) Debt claims financed
In July 2023, the value of financed receivables by AFORTI Factor amounted to approximately PLN 1.19 million and up 522.87% year-on-year.
On a cumulative basis, after the seven months of the current year AFORTI Factor financed a total of approx. PLN 7.03 million of receivables, recording an increase of 182.40% year-on-year.
4) Total sales
In July 2023, total sales in the AFORTI Group amounted to approximately EUR 61.46 million, down 63.56% year-on-year.
On a cumulative basis, after the seven months of 2023, the total value of sales in the AFORTI Group reached approximately EUR 830.61 million, an increase of 1.48% year-on-year.
5) Total number of customers
In July 2023, the total number of customers in the AFORTI Group was 7.562 and was 7.52% higher than in the same period of the previous year.
A table containing the reported estimates for July 2023 together with comparative data is attached to this current report.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
Klaudiusz Sytek
Chairman of the Board
RB ESPI 13/2023 Lista acționarilor care dețin cel puțin 5% din voturi la Adunarea Generală Ordinară încheiată la 28 iulie 2023
Management Board of AFORTI Holding S.A. with its registered office in
Warsaw hereinafter: „the Company” hereby publishes a list of
Shareholders holding at least 5% of number of votes at the Ordinary
General Meeting of the Company commenced on June 30, 2023 and ended,
after a break, on July 28, 2023:
1. Klaudiusz Sytek – number of shares and votes from shares – 5,542,760
– share in votes at the General Meeting – 91.60% – share in the total
number of votes – 61.30%
2. Kamilla Sytek-Skonieczna – number of shares and votes from shares –
508,217 – share in votes at the GM – 8.40% – share in the total number
of votes – 5.62%
RB ESPI 12/2023 Intrarea filialei Aforti Finance S.A. pe lista avertismentelor publice si pozitia Consiliului de Administratie in materie
Entry of the subsidiary Aforti Finance S.A. on the list of public warnings and the Management Board’s position on the matter
Management Board of AFORTI Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: „Company”, „Issuer”) informs that today it became aware of the entry on the list of public warnings kept by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (hereinafter: „KNF”), the Issuer’s subsidiary, Aforti Finance S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: „AF”), as a consequence of the notification under Art. 171 sec. 1 of the Banking Act, addressed by the KNF Office to the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw. The Management Board considered this entry as confidential information due to the potential damage that the entry on the list of public warnings of the Issuer’s subsidiary may cause the Company, which may affect its economic, property and financial situation. At the same time, the Management Board explains that AF does not issue investment promissory notes or take loans from individual investors, nor does it have any liabilities towards individual investors. In addition, AF did not accept cash contributions in order to burden them with risk, and as of 2020 it does not conduct any new operating activities. Currently, this entity is focused on the recovery of the existing loan portfolio from entrepreneurs. Therefore, the decision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to include AF on the list of warnings is, in the opinion of the Company’s Management Board, groundless and devoid of legal grounds, and is not reflected in the actual current and past activity of AF. In addition, the Management Board points out that the KNF did not inform the Issuer about the ongoing explanatory proceedings in this matter or about its decision to include the AF on the list of public warnings and to notify the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw. In the event of receiving such information in advance, the Company’s Management Board would have the opportunity to refer to potential allegations and present documentation that would clarify any doubts of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority towards the AF. The KNF also did not ask the AF or send any letters to the AF, calls for statements, requests for clarifications or inquiries related to any activity of the AF. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Management Board declares close and full cooperation with the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw in order to clarify as soon as possible all issues that are the subject of any doubts of the supervisory authority and the prosecutor’s office, declaring its readiness to provide the indicated authorities with complete information on the AF and to respond to any additional questions that will dispel any doubts in this matter.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
Klaudiusz Sytek
Chairman of the Board
RB EBI 22/2023 Închiderea Adunării Generale Ordinare
Consiliul de Administrație al Aforti Holding S.A. cu sediul social în Varșovia (în continuare: Societatea) informează că la data de 28 iulie 2023, Adunarea Generală Ordinară a Acționarilor Societății (în continuare: Adunarea) și-a reluat deliberările după pauza dispusă la 30 iunie, 2023 și apoi a închis deliberările fără a adopta rezoluții incluse pe ordinea de zi.
Motivul pentru care ședința a fost închisă a fost reprezentat de lipsa rapoartelor privind auditul situațiilor financiare ale Societății pentru anul 2022 întocmite de un auditor statutar independent și interdicția statutară de a dispune o nouă pauză. În conformitate cu conținutul art. 408 § 2 teza 2 din Codul Societăților Comerciale, pauzele nu pot dura în total mai mult de 30 de zile.
Consiliul de Administrație informează că va convoca următoarea Adunare Generală a Acționarilor imediat după primirea rapoartelor privind auditul situațiilor financiare ale Societății pentru anul 2022 întocmite de un auditor statutar independent și publicarea raportului anual individual și consolidat pentru anul 2022.
Totodată, Consiliul de Administrație indică faptul că raportul trimestrial al Societății pentru al doilea trimestru al anului 2023 va fi publicat în conformitate cu graficul convenit pe 14 august 2023.
Temei juridic: § 4 sec. 2 pct. 6a, 7-8 din Anexa 3 la Regulile Sistemului Alternativ de Tranzacționare „Informații curente și periodice furnizate în sistemul alternativ de tranzacționare pe piața NewConnect”.
Klauiusz Sytek
Președinte Consiliu de Administrație