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RA ESPI 2/2022 – Datele estimative de exploatare și vânzări pentru Grupul AFORTI Capital – decembrie 2021
The Management Board of AFORTI Holding S.A. based in Warsaw (hereinafter: „Company”, „Issuer”) hereby publishes the estimated operating and sales figures of the AFORTI Capital Group for December 2021.
1) Currency exchange on online platforms
The trading value on the currency exchange platform in December 2021 was approximately PLN 470.05 million, an increase of 13.21% year-on-year.
On a cumulative basis, after twelve months of 2021, the total turnover value on the foreign exchange platform reached approximately PLN 4,876.30 million, an increase of 119.95% year-on-year.
2) Recovery orders
The nominal value of collection orders in December 2021 amounted to approximately PLN 46.96 million and was 45.13 % higher year-on-year.
Cumulatively, after twelve months of 2021, the nominal value of collection orders reached approximately PLN 749.95 million, up 10.82 % year-on-year.
3) Debt claims financed
In December 2021, the value of financed receivables by AFORTI Factor amounted to approximately PLN 0.55 million and was 52.66 % lower than in the same period of the previous year.
In cumulative terms, after twelve months of the current year AFORTI Factor financed a total of approximately PLN 9.35 million of receivables, recording a reduction of 66.75% year-on-year.
4) Total sales
In December 2021, total sales in the AFORTI Group amounted to approximately EUR 113.52 million, an increase of 15.88% year-on-year.
Cumulatively, after twelve months of 2021, total sales in the AFORTI Group reached approximately EUR 1 241.34 million, an increase of 91.30 % year-on-year.
5) Total number of customers
In December 2021, the total number of customers in the AFORTI Capital Group was 6,635.
A table containing the reported estimates for December 2021 together with comparative data is attached to this current report.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
RA ESPI 1/2022 – Demisia de la publicarea previziunilor rezultatelor financiare pentru anul 2022
The Management Board of Aforti Holding SA with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: “the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby announces, that it has decided not to publish the forecasts of financial results of the Company for the year 2022 nor for any of its periods.
In the opinion of the Management Board of the Company, the dynamically growing scale of the Issuer’s activity and external factors related to its market environment limit the ability to precisely determine the forecast of the Issuer’s financial result. Considering the above, the publication of financial forecasts would be too risky and could mislead investors.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
CR ESPI 66/2021 – Finalizarea ofertei de actiuni in plasament privat Aforti PLC
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A with its registered office in Warsaw (the „Company”, „Issuer”), in reference to current report ESPI 55/2021 dated 25 October 2021 relating to the completion of the fifth offering of shares under Aforti PLC’s private placement informs that today the Issuer has received information from its subsidiary Aforti PLC, with its registered office in London, that it has completed on 30.12.2021 the sixth rounds of offering shares of a new issue under a private placement.
In the sixth round one investor took part, who subscribed for a total of 2,678,511 Aforti PLC shares for a value of GBP 2,678,511, confirming the valuation of the company after paid-in capital at approximately GBP 41.35 million.
Following the transaction Aforti Holding S.A. directly holds 33,988,187 shares in Aforti PLC (representing 82.20% of the share capital), while individual investors hold 7,361,365 shares in Aforti PLC (representing 17.80% of the share capital) with a total value of £7,361,365.
The actions taken allow the continuation of activities carried out by a UK broker aimed at indirectly floating the Issuer’s subsidiary, Aforti Exchange S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange and to raise a further GBP 4.5 million through an initial public offering on the LSE.
The offering of new issue shares in the private placement of Aforti PLC’s subsidiary and the sale of Aforti PLC shares by the Issuer is related to the next stage of activities aimed at further implementation of the strategy of the Issuer’s Capital Group.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
RA ESPI 65/2021 – Rectificare la Raportul Actual Nr. 27/2021
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A., with its registered office in Warsaw (the „Issuer”), hereby presents a correction to ESPI Report No. 27/2021 – Completion of third offering of shares in Aforti PLC private placement.
The correction of the report is related to the identification of a typing error regarding the number of shares subscribed by individual investors and the amount for which the shares were subscribed.
The content of the current report with the introduced changes:
“The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A . based in Warsaw (the „Company”, „Issuer”), in reference to the ESPI Current Report 25/2021 dated 4 May 2021 regarding the completion of the second offering of shares in Aforti PLC’s private placement informs that today the Issuer has been informed by its subsidiary Aforti PLC, based in London, that it completed on 21.05.2021 the third offering round of new issue shares in its private placement.
The third round was attended by 53 individual investors who subscribed for a total of 1,148,698 Aforti PLC shares for £976,393 confirming a valuation of the company after paid-in capital of approximately £32.57 million. The subsidiary will commence a fourth round of offering its shares in a private placement from 24 May 2021.
Also, on 21 May 2021, the Issuer entered into agreements for the sale of AFORTI PLC shares with 113 individual investors, the aggregate value of which can be considered significant. Aforti Holding S.A. made a total sale of 5,028,170 Aforti PLC shares at a price of £0.85 per share.
Following the transaction Aforti Holding S.A. directly holds 31,335,430 shares in Aforti PLC (representing 81.96% of the share capital), whilst 193 individual investors hold 6,896,432 shares in Aforti PLC (representing 18.04% of the share capital) with a total value of £5,861,967.
The actions taken allow the continuation of activities carried out by a UK broker aimed at indirectly floating the Issuer’s subsidiary, Aforti Exchange S.A., headquartered in Warsaw, on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange and raising up to €5 million in a private placement, as well as raising an additional £4.5 million through an initial public offering on the LSE.
The offering of new issue shares in a private placement of Aforti PLC and the sale of Aforti PLC shares by the Issuer is connected with the next stage of activities aimed at further implementation of the strategy of the Issuer’s Capital Group.”
Legal basis: Art. 56 section 1 item 2 of the Public Offering Act – current and periodic information
RA EBI 60/2021 – Cumpărați din obligațiunile din seria O26
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter the „Company”, „Issuer”) informs that on December 28, 2021 it redeemed 333 units of O26 series bonds for cancellation.
Legal basis: Article 3, Paragraph 1, Point 6) of the Exhibit 3 „Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules