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RA ESPI 63/2021 – Informații privind licența EMI
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the „Company”, „Issuer”, in reference to the ESPI current report 23/2021 dated 27 April 2021, informs that today it has received information from Aforti PLC, a subsidiary based in the United Kingdom, regarding an EU Electronic Money Institution licensed under the applicable EU Directives on Payment Services and Electronic Money („EMI”), on the completion of the review process of the EMI license activation application by the Licensing Department of the Central Bank of Cyprus and the EMI license has been finally activated.
The above occurrence will allow the commencement of operations in Cyprus.
The acquisition of EMI is part of the Aforti Group’s strategy to become a pan-European provider of comprehensive financial solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises. The Issuer will inform about further stages of the investment in subsequent current reports.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
RA ESPI 62/2021 – Notificarea tranzactiilor de catre persoanele care indeplinesc atributii manageriale
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw (“the Company”, “the Issuer”), hereby informs that on December 21, 2021, the Company received a notification of transactions of an entity closely related to a person discharging managerial duties in the Company.
The notification was submitted by Mr Krzysztof Rabiański.
The notifications are attached to this report.
Legal basis: Article 19 (3) MAR – information on transactions executed by persons discharging managerial responsibilities
RA ESPI 61/2021 – Notificarea tranzactiilor de catre persoanele care indeplinesc atributii manageriale
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw (“the Company”, “the Issuer”), hereby informs that on December 21, 2021, the Company received a notification on transactions by a person discharging managerial responsibilities within the Company.
The notification was submitted by Mr Klaudiusz Sytek.
The said notification has been attached to this report.
Legal basis: Article 19 (3) MAR – information on transactions executed by persons discharging managerial responsibilities
RA ESPI 60/2021 – Notificarea tranzactiilor persoanelor care indeplinesc atributii manageriale
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw (“the Company”, “the Issuer”), hereby informs that on December 14, 2021, the Company received a notification of transactions of an entity closely related to a person discharging managerial duties in the Company.
The notification was submitted by Aforti Factor S.A.
The notifications are attached to this report.
Legal basis: Article 19 (3) MAR – information on transactions executed by persons discharging managerial responsibilities
CR ESPI 59/2021 – Notificarea unui acționar în legătură cu achiziționarea de acțiuni și depășirea pragului de 5% din voturi în Adunarea Generală
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A., with its registered office in Warsaw (the „Company”, „Issuer”) hereby announces that on 8 December 2021 it received a notification from Aforti Factor S.A. a notification on the purchase of shares and exceeding the threshold of 5% of votes at the Issuer’s General Meeting in connection with the concluded transaction of purchase of the Company’s shares.
The content of this notification is provided by the Company in an attachment.
Legal basis: Article 70 point 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and the Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to the Organized Trading System and on Public Companies (Dz. U. 2005 Nr 184 poz. 1539 t.j.)