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RA ESPI 23/2020 – Lista acționarilor care dețin cel puțin 5% din voturile Adunării Generale extraordinare a Aforti Holding S.A. din 21 mai 2020
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw („the Company”, „the Issuer”) is making available to the public the list of shareholders holding at least 5% votes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Issuer, which was held on 21/05/2020:
- Kamilla Sytek – Skonieczna
The number of registered shares at the Extraordinary General Meeting: 508.217
The number of votes from registered shares: 508.217
Share in the number of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting: 99,15%
Share in the total number of votes: 5,62%
Shareholders present at the Extraordinary General Meeting held a total of 508.218 votes. The total number of shares issued by the Company is 9.042.514, and the number of votes resulting from these shares is 9.042.514.
Legal basis:
Article 70 point 2 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (General Meeting of Shareholders – the list above 5%)
RA EBI 19/2020 – Conținutul rezoluțiilor adoptate de Adunarea generală extraordinară a Aforti care are loc la 21 mai 2020
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its seat in Warsaw („Company”, „Issuer”) informs that the Extraordinary General Meeting („EGM”) of the Company on 21 May 2020 adopted a resolution, the content of which is attached to this report.
Moreover, the Company informs that:
The Chairperson of the General Meeting stated that the General Meeting was convened correctly.
The Chairman of the General Meeting stated that in accordance with the currently binding Statute of Aforti Holding S.A. in Warsaw, available in electronic form on the Company’s website – according to the provisions of §13 point 9) of the Statute – the General Meeting may adopt resolutions with the participation of shareholders representing at least ¼ of the share capital. Therefore, after the list of attendance has been drawn up, which shows that only shareholders representing 5.62% of the share capital are present at this Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, it is impossible to continue the proceedings of the Meeting due to lack of quorum and inability to adopt valid and effective resolutions, which were to be the subject of this Extraordinary General Meeting.
As a result, no resolutions were adopted that were included in the following agenda:
- adoption of the agenda;
- adoption of a resolution on authorizing the Company’s Management Board to purchase the Company’s own shares for on the basis and within the limits of the authorisation granted by the General Meeting;
The Issuer’s Management Board also informs that no objections have been raised to the minutes.
Legal basis:
Article 4, Paragraph 2, Point 7-9 of the Exhibit 3 „Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules
RA RB ESPI 22/2020 – Schimbarea profilului de afaceri al filialelor care operează în România
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as „Issuer”) hereby informs that today the shareholders (entities from Aforti Group) of subsidiaries operating in Romania have decided to change their business profiles.
The shareholders of Aforti Finance Romania IFN S.A. have adopted a resolution to change their name from the current one to Aforti Factor Romania IFN S.A.
The shareholders also made a decision on obliging the Management Board of the company to change its business profile, enabling it to provide factoring services for entrepreneurs, and a decision on temporary suspension of lending activity.
The change in the scope of business activity was caused by new legal regulations recently introduced in Romania concerning the so-called „credit holidays” and due to limitations in the ability to accurately assess credit risk related to the corona virus pandemic.
As a result of these changes, Aforti Factor Romania IFN S.A. will provide factoring services for the SME sector and will have a better matched balance sheet structure for the period of the expected economic slowdown, i.e. short-term assets and long-term liabilities. The adopted resolutions do not require any significant financial investments on the part of Aforti Factor Romania IFN S.A.
The shareholders of Aforti Exchange Romania S.A. have adopted a resolution on changing the name from the current one to Aforti Distribution Romania S.A.
The shareholders of Aforti Exchange Romania S.A. have decided to oblige the Management Board of the Company to change its business profile, enabling the provision of financial intermediation services on the territory of Romania with particular emphasis on the products of the Aforti Group. The change in the scope of business activities was caused by the 2nd Payment Services Directive (PSD2) introduced in Romania, which imposed an obligation on Aforti Exchange Romania to obtain a licence of a payment institution. The company’s management decided to focus on implementation of the new business profile and to temporarily suspend foreign exchange operations until such time as the said license is obtained. The adopted resolutions do not require any significant financial investment on the part of Aforti Distribution Romania S.A. and will allow the company to use the potential of having agreements and relationships with a group of over one thousand companies from the SME sector.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
RA ESPI 21/2020 – Revizuirea raportului curent nr. 5/2020
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as „the Issuer”) hereby provides an adjustment to ESPI report no. 5/2020 – Estimated operating and sales data of Aforti Group – March 2020.
The correction of the report is related to the identification of a clerical error concerning the report number.
The report was published under number 5/2020, while the correct number is 12/2020.
The content of the current report remained unchanged.
Legal basis: 56 section 1 item 2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodic information
RQ EBI 18/2020 – Raport trimestrial individual și consolidat pentru trimestrul I 2020
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw encloses herewith the individual and consolidated quarterly report for the first quarter of 2020.
Legal basis:
Article 5, Paragraph 1, Point 1) of the Exhibit 3 „Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules
AFORTI Holding S.A. – Report for Q I 2020 – PL
AFORTI Holding S.A. – Report for Q I 2020 – ENG