RA ESPI 3/2022 – Încheierea unei scrisori de intenție

The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (the „Issuer”) informs that on 10 January 2022, the Issuer and its subsidiary Aforti Collections S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: „Aforti Collections”), signed a letter of intent with the key shareholders of a company providing services in the debt collection industry in Poland (hereinafter: the „Company”), summarising the key terms and conditions of a transaction under which the Parties agreed to make all efforts towards the acquisition of 100% of the Company’s shares by Aforti Collections and its further financing. The Company has an established position on the Polish market and specialises in servicing securitisation funds and entities from the financial sector.

Detailed principles and manner of implementation of individual joint actions, referred to above, will be determined in separately concluded agreements.

The acquisition of an entity in the debt collection industry by a subsidiary of the Issuer is connected with another stage of activities aimed at further implementation of the strategy of the Issuer’s Capital Group.

Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information

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