RA ESPI 5/2020 – Înscrierea în Registrul instituțiilor de plată mici

The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw (hereinafter: „the Company”, „the Issuer”), hereby informs that on February 03, 2020 the Company became aware that a subsidiary of the Issuer: Aforti Exchange S.A. (hereinafter: „Subsidiary”, „Aforti Exchange”) was entered in the Register of small payment institutions (hereinafter: the „Register”) on January 30, 2020.

The Subsidiary was entered in the Register kept by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority under the number MIP50/2020.

The obtained license of a Small Payment Institution will allow Aforti Exchange to increase the scale of its operations and thus the level of competitiveness through the possibility of providing a money transfer service in Poland (in accordance with Article 3 paragraph 1 point 6 of the Act of 19 August 2011 on payment services Dz.U.2019.0.659 t.j.).

In March 2018, Aforti Exchange also obtained the Payment Services Office license and was entered in the register also kept by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

Legal basis: Article 17 (1) MAR – confidential information

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