Development strategy for Aforti Holding Capital Group for 2016–2018.

The board of Aforti Holding SA (hereafter referred to as “Company”) headquartered in Warsaw hereby announces, that on July 14, 2016 it passed resolution no. 01/14/07/2016 of the management board concerning the adoption of the document titled “Development strategy for Aforti Holding Capital Group for 2016–2018” (hereafter: “Strategy”).

The updated Strategy of Aforti Holding Capital Group (“Aforti Group”) was prepared to address Aforti Group’s intensive development and the need to establish a further strategic course of action.

The main premise of the Strategy is Aforti Group’s double-track development via organic growth and acquisitions, which is intended to create stepped growth in the scale of action by Aforti Group.

As for organic growth, the Strategy is oriented towards: utilizing synergistic effects among Aforti Group; focusing on developing of x-sell offers, i.e. additional assortment of products providing an extensive range of products for clients; growth in completely new lines of business, i.e. developing a portfolio for corporate and investment banking such as: debt collection, leasing, factoring, distribution of financial products; establishing full coverage of the sales network across Poland; increasing brand awareness; increasing the net markup to approx. 4.0% by the end of 2017.

Growth through acquisition refers to: active pursuit of investment opportunities, which would be suitable for business; acquisition of an entity in the business of debt collection in order to supplement the line of services provided by Aforti Group; development of structures allowing for expansion on European markets (creation of new companies or acquisition thereof); presence on seven selected European markets by 2018.

In order to execute the updated development strategy, Aforti Capital Group intends to invest approx. PLN 4.4 million by the end of Q1 2017. In total, in the years 2016–2018 the estimated financial outlay should reach PLN 12.4 million.

Aforti Capital Group intends to raise capital through the emission of 2–3 year bonds and the emission of a new series of shares taking into account the favorable conditions on the capital market and attractive estimates of the Company.

Due to the development strategy update and the adoption of the investment plan, the Issuer indicates, that the board does not recommend paying out dividends in the years 2016–2018. However, the final decision where gains are directed will be made by the annual general meeting of shareholders.

Below the Issuer’s board would like to present the main goals for key Companies owned by the Aforti Capital Group for 2016-2018:

1) Aforti Exchange sp. zo.o.:
– obtaining new business clients
– achieving a rise in turnover on the currency exchange platform from approx. PLN 85 million in 2015 up to the expected level of PLN 1 billion per year since 2018,
– intended expansion onto EU member state markets,
2) Aforti Finance SA:
– attempting to reach the expected growth in sales by the end of 2018, i.e. annual revenue of more than PLN 60 million,
– development of the Company’s sales network across the country,
– intent to expand onto EU-member state markets.

Achieving the strategic goals of Aforti Group may impact the economic, esate, and financial situation as well as further perspectives for growth. The strategy calls for establishing a strong presence on the Polish market and expansion onto European markets.

Detailed information on the strategy can be found in the presentation.
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