Current shareholder structure in Aforti Holding S.A. CR 27/2017

The Management Board of Aforti Holding SA with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter the “Issuer”) informs that due to the change of the proportion of shares held by Mr Klaudiusz Sytek (information announced in the Current Report 6/2017 ESPI) it presents the updated shareholder structure:

1. Kamilla Sytek-Skonieczna – 503.907 shares, which represent 6,46% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 503.907 votes in total, i.e. 6,46% of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;

2. Rafał Bednarczyk – 503.798 shares, which represent 6,46% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 503.798 votes in total, i.e. 6,46 of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;

3. Klaudiusz Sytek – 6 556.216 shares, which represent 84,03% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 6.556.216 votes in total, i.e. 84,03% of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;

4. Other shareholders – 237.974 shares, which represent 3,05% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 237.974 votes in total, i.e. 3,05% of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;

Legal basis: Article 70 point 1 of the Act on Public Offering and Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading and Public Companies (Journal of Laws 05.184.1539).

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