Buy out of the A series bonds by the subsidiary Aforti Exchange S.A. CR 59/2018

The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: “the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs that became aware on 18th June 2018, that on 13th June 2018 Aforti Exchange S.A. based in Warsaw (hereinafter: “the Subsidiary”) – a subsidiary of the Company, in accordance with the Conditions of Issue which comprised an annex to Resolution 02/25/05/2016 dated on 25th May 2016, it purchased 3000 of the A series Bonds with a nominal value of PLN 1 thousand each and the total nominal value of PLN 3,000,000.00 (three milions) to redemption of them.

Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information

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