Current report – March 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Another month of 2022 is behind the AFORTI Group. The Group recorded good results in March, about which more in the body of the current report. The results of the past three months will soon be summarised in the May quarterly report.

In March, the AFORTI Group achieved sales totalling EUR 96.05 million, a year-on-year increase of 13.30% after the first three months of 2022.

AFORTI Exchange: Trading on the exchange platform in March 2022 amounted to approximately PLN 349.47 million, cumulatively after the past three months of this year, the value of trading on the platform amounted to approximately PLN 1,053.80 million, up 10.35% year-on-year.

AFORTI Factor: In March 2022, the value of receivables financed by AFORTI Factor amounted to approximately PLN 0.24 million, since the beginning of 2022 this is a total of PLN 1.30 million, down 58.98% year-on-year.

AFORTI Collections: last month, the nominal value of the company’s debt collection orders acquired amounted to PLN 53.22 million. After three months of this year, the nominal value of debt collection orders reached approximately PLN 177.21 million, down approximately 21% year on year.

We encourage you to read the current report.

Watch the video summary of the month