CR ESPI 37/2021 – The estimated operating and sales data for the Aforti Group – June 2021.

The Management Board of AFORTI Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter : Company“, “Issuer“) hereby presents to the public the updated operating and sales estimates of AFORTI Capital Group for June 2021.  


  • Exchange of currencies on online platforms

The value of trading on the FX platform in June 2021 was PLN 377,318,840.95, up by 207.37% year on year.

After six months of this year, the total value of trading on the currency exchange platform reached the level of PLN 2,034,730,683.43, which means an increase of 238.65 percent year-on-year. 

  • Recovery orders

The nominal value of recovery orders in June 2021 amounted to PLN 53,509,219.42, down by 23.78% year on year.

On a cumulative basis, after six months of 2021, the nominal value of debt collection orders reached PLN 402,414,969.69, an increase of 29.73%.

  • Debt claims financed

In June 2021, the value of financed receivables by AFORTI Factor amounted to PLN 587,056.48 and was 77.45% lower than in the same period of previous year.

Cumulatively, after six months of 2021, AFORTI Factor financed total of PLN 6,956,222.96 of receivables, recording a year-on-year reduction of 59.72%

  • Total sales

In June 2021, total sales in the AFORTI amounted to approximately EUR 96.40 million, up 114.69% year-on-year.

Cumulatievly, after six months 0f 2021, total sales in AFORTI Capital Group reached approximately EUR 547.89 million, an increase of 156.46% year-on-year.  

  • Total number of customers

In Junu 2021, the total number of customers in the AFORTI Capital Group was 6,307.

The table containing reported estimated data for June 2021 together with comparative data is included in the attachment to this current report. 

The amounts have been converted to PLN based on the average NBP exchange rate on 30/06/2021.


Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information

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