60 Million Congress

Ladies and gentlemen,

a few days ago, the Congress of 60 Million, a global convention of Polonia, ended in Miami. The AFORTI Group was represented by Marcin Grabiszewski, who took part in the panel “Investment Funds and Startups“.

Other participants in the discussion included: Konrad Fijołek – Mayor of the City of Rzeszów, Łukasz Wąsikiewicz – from Venture Capital Satus Starter and Maciej Kraus – partner from Movens GE Fund.

The talks were aimed at familiarising US investors with the situation of the investment market in Poland 🇺🇸.

In the course of the discussion, the topics covered were:

▪️ Investment-friendly zones, such as the Podkarpackie region. The market was discussed using the example of the City of Rzeszów, known for its active funds and incubators.

▪️ Friendly conditions for starting a business in Poland.

▪️ Position of Polish fund market, compared to US.

▪️ Potential of ideas and staff on the Polish market. The EMI project implemented by AFORTI served as a good example.