CR EBI 12/2022 – correction of the title of the current report no. RB EBI 11/2022 by correcting the date in the title of the report from June 29, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the number KRS 0000330108 (“Company”), corrects the title of the current report no. RB EBI 11/2022.

The Management Board of the Company informed about the convening of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders with an incorrect title of current report no. “RB EBI 11/2022 – Zwołanie Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Spółki na dzień 29 czerwca 2021 roku.”

Hereby, The Management Board of the Issuer informs about the correction of a typographical error, i.e. correcting the date in the title of the report no. RB EBI 11/2022 by changing the title „RB EBI 11/2022 – Zwołanie Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Spółki na dzień 29 czerwca 2021 roku” for the title „RB EBI 11/2022 – Zwołanie Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Spółki na dzień 30 czerwca 2022 roku.”


Legal basis: Article 4, Paragraph 2, Point 1) of the Exhibit 3 “Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules

Warsaw, 03.06.2022

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