Crucial information CR 101/2017

The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter the „Company”) hereby informs that on 3rd November 2017 the Company sent a letter to the Office of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Trading Surveillance Department notifying that there was a possible disposal of the Company’s shares without informing the Company or the Trading Surveillance Department and concerning the obligation imposed on Rafał Bednarczyk, a shareholder, to inform the Company and the Surveillance Department on the transaction concluded which results from the obligation under Article 19 of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 European Parliament and Council of 16th April 2014 on market abuse (hereinafter: MAR Regulation) and provisions of the Act of 29th July 2005 on public offering and on conditions for the introduction of financial instruments to the organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws No 184, item 1539) (hereinafter: Public Offering Act), which the Company informed about in the current report number (CR 75/2017).

The Management Board of the Company moreover informs that the Company up to date has not received from Rafał Bednarczyk, the shareholder in question, any information on the conclusion of any kind of agreement concerning the shares he holds, including registered pledge agreement or a report on his current shareholding. Furthermore, the Company has not received from Rafał Bednarczyk, until the present report publication date, any response to the Company’s letter of 11th October 2017 referred to in the current report number (CR 69/2017) concerning his shareholdings.

In view of the foregoing and having regard to the obligations of a public company under the abovementioned MAR Regulation and Public Offering Act, and in particular to Articles 69 and 70 thereof, and in view of the fact that the Company does not receive direct response from Rafał Bednarczyk, the shareholder in question, the Management Board of the Company hereby informs that it has submitted a document to the Office of the Polish Financial Authority notifying as stated above.

Legal basis: Article 19 section 1 of the MAR Regulation, Articles 69 ust. 1 pkt 2 and 70 pkt 1 of the Act of 29th July 2005 on public offering and on conditions for the introduction of financial instruments to the organized trading system and on public companies.

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