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Buy out of the M30 series bonds CR 118/2018
The Management Board of Aforti Holding SA based in Warsaw (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby announces, that on December 12, 2018, in accordance with the Conditions of Issue which comprised an annex to Resolution of the Board no 02/01/12/2016 dated on December 1, 2016, it purchased 468 of the M30 series Bonds to redemption of them.
Legal basis:
Article 3, Paragraph 1, Point 6) of the Exhibit 3 “Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules
Buy out of the I4 series bonds by the subsidiary Aforti Finance S.A. CR 117/2018
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: “the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs that became aware that on 12th December 2018 Aforti Finance S.A. based in Warsaw (hereinafter: “the Subsidiary”) – a subsidiary of the Company, in accordance with the Conditions of Issue which comprised an annex to Resolution 02/12/12/2016 dated on 12th December 2016, it purchased 230 of the I4 series Bonds with a nominal value of PLN 1 thousand each and the total nominal value of PLN 230.000,00 to redemption of them.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
O24 Series Bonds Allocation CR 116/2018
The Management Board of Aforti Holding SA based in Warsaw (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) hereby informs that on 7th December 2018 The Management Board passed a resolution of O24 series bonds allocation („the Bonds”). Subscription of the Bonds was conducted in accordance to a resolution of The Management Board on 26th November 2018 of O24 series bonds issue.
In accordance to the resolution of O24 series bonds allocation, The Board allocated 795 (seven hundred ninety five) O24 series bonds of 1.000,00 (one thousand) PLN both nominal and emissional value each and 795.000 (seven hundred ninety five thousand) PLN in total.
O24 series bonds are three-years unsecured bonds. Bondholders will be paid a monthly coupon at a constant percentage amount of 7,00% per annum. The O24 series bonds purchase date is 07th December 2021. The issued Bonds are denominated in Polish zloty (PLN) and were offered in private issue mode, only on Polish territory.
Legal basis: Article 3, Paragraph 1, Point 8) of the Exhibit 3 “Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules
Submission of the final application to the district court for the entry of a merger of subsidiaries Aforti Collections S.A. and LifeBelt sp. z o.o. CR 115/2018
The board of Aforti Holding S.A. (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) headquartered in Warsaw, in reference to the currents reports of ESPI no. 29/2018 dated on 13/08/2018, no. 34/2018 dated on 24/10/2018 and no. 38/2018 dated on 27/11/2018, hereby announces to the public that it received information that on December 3, 2018 an the boards of Aforti Collections SA with its registered office in Warsaw (“Aforti Collections”, “Acquiring Company”) and LifeBelt sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Lublin (“LifeBelt”, “the Acquired Company”) completed the formalities by filing at the District Court the final application for entering the merger of the abovementioned companies, and consequently deleting the LifeBelt company from the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register.
The merger of the Acquiring Company with the Acquired Company took place in the mode of art. 492 § 1 point 1 of the Commercial Companies Code (CCC) in connection with art. 515 § 1, ie by transferring all assets of the Acquired Company to the Acquiring Company (merger by acquisition). The merger of the companies took place without increasing the share capital of the Acquiring Company.
Additionally, pursuant to art. 516 § 5 of the CCC in connection with art. 516 § 6 of the CCC, the merger of the companies took place in the simplified mode provided for in the aforementioned regulations.
Acquisition of an entity from the debt collection industry by Aforti Collections S.A. is the next step, after the AFORTI Group’s entry into foreign markets (including Romanian through the Aforti Finance and Aforti Exchange brands), which is a consistent implementation of the Group’s development strategy for 2018-2020. This activity will simultaneously expand and strengthen the presence of the Aforti Group and the Aforti Collections brand in the debt management segment on the Polish market.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
The estimated operational and sales data of subsidiaries Aforti Finance S.A., Aforti Exchange S.A., Aforti Exchange Romania S.A., Aforti Collections S.A. and Aforti Factor S.A. – November 2018 CR 114/2018
The board of Aforti Holding S.A. (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) headquartered in Warsaw hereby announces to the public the estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Finance S.A., Aforti Exchange S.A., Aforti Exchange Romania S.A., Aforti Collections S.A. and Aforti Factor S.A. the Issuer’s subsidiaries for November 2018
1) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Finance S.A. for November 2018:
In November 2018 Aforti Finance S.A. granted 45 loans (decrease by 11.76%) with a total value of PLN 4 657.74 thousand, which is an decrease by 5.83% compared to the same month of 2017.
The value of submitted applications amounted to PLN 37 509.53 thousand and that is a result higher by 64.95% compared to the same period of the previous year. In November 2018, there were filed 321 loan applications, an increase of 33.20% compared to the same month of 2017.
Cumulatively, after eleven months of 2018, Aforti Finance SA granted 539 loans (25.35% more YoY) with total value PLN 54 680.43 thousand and it is an increase by 66.09% compared to 2017. In the period from January to the end of November 2018, there were filed 3584 loan applications with total value PLN 448 955.57 thousand. The quantity of the loans rose up by 70.34% and their total value by 169.21% in relation to the same period in the previous year.
2) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Exchange S.A. for November 2018:
The currency exchange platform’s turnover in November 2018 reached EUR 29 562.96 thousand and was higher by 249.58% compared to the same period of the previous year. At the same time, after eleven months of the current year, the turnover reached the level of EUR 235 939.10 thousand, an increase of 206,51% year-on-year.
3) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Exchange Romania S.A. for November 2018 :
The value of trading on the currency exchange platform in Romania in November 2018 amounted to EUR 10 340.59 thousand and in comparison to the same month in the previous year was higher by 49496957,51%.
At the end of November 2018, Aforti Exchange Romania S.A. recorded EUR 57 799.73 thousand EUR of the total turnover value. This value increased compared to the previous year by 2778251.51%.
4) The total estimated operational and sales data of Aforti Exchange for November 2018:
The total value of trading on the currency exchange platforms of Aforti Exchange operated in Poland and in Romania in November 2018 amounted to EUR 39 903.55 thousand, which in comparison to the same period in the previous year means an increase of 371.75%.
At the same time, cumulatively after the eleven months of this year the total value of turnover reached the level of EUR 293 738.83 thousand and it increased year-on-year by 281.59%
5) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Collections S.A. for November 2018:
Nominal value of debt collection commissions on November 2018 reached PLN 3 745.40 thousand. This is a increase of 71.80% YoY. The number of recovery orders amounted to 1628 and was higher by 363.82% compared to November 2017. The company concluded 5 contracts in the indicated month, less by six than in the previous year.
Cumulatively, at the end of November 2018, the nominal value of the debt collection orders amounted to PLN 16 498.83 thousand, which is a decline of 29.02% year-on-year. The number of orders also decreased by 73.36% from 17 118 to 4 561. At the same time, the number of debt recovery agreements concluded after the eleven months of this year, decreased by 49.64% to 69.
6) The estimated operational and sales results of LifeBelt Sp. z o.o. for November 2018:
In November 2018, the nominal value of LifeBelt debt collection orders amounted to PLN 28 204.17 thousand and their number was equal to 6353. In addition, in November this year the company signed 3 new debt collection contracts.
In the period from January to the end of November 2018, the nominal value of the debt collection orders in the company’s portfolio reached the level of PLN 387 079.93 thousand. The number of collections was 83 460. In the indicated period, 6 new debt collection contracts were obtained.
The comparative data for the previous year are not available due to the fact that the company was not part of the Aforti Group.
7) The estimated total operational and sales data of Aforti Collections S.A. and LifeBelt sp. o.o. for November 2018:
The total nominal value of the orders of Aforti Collections SA and LifeBelt sp. o.o. in November 2018 amounted to PLN 31 949.57 thousand and was higher by 1365.54% than in the corresponding period of the previous year. The total number of debt collection orders was equal to 7981 (increase by 2173.79%). In November, both companies concluded a total of 8 new debt collection agreements.
From the beginning of 2018 to the end of November, the total nominal value of debt collection orders reached PLN 403 578.76 thousand, which means an increase of 1636.33% year-on-year. At the same time, the total number of collection orders amounted to 88 021 (increase by 414.20%). In the indicated period, the companies concluded a total of 75 debt collection agreements.
The comparative data for 2017 do not include the financial data of LifeBelt sp. o.o. due to the fact that this company did not belong to the Aforti Group in that time.
8) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Factor S.A. for November 2018:
In November 2018 the value of receivables financed by Aforti Factor S.A. amounted to PLN 4 670.95 thousand. Further, at the end of November 2018 this value reached level of PLN 25 147.68 thousand.
The date comparative are not available because the Company had started its operating activities from January 2018.
A table containing estimated additional data, reported for November 2018 together with the comparative data, can be found in an annex to the current report.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information