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Premature buyback of O6 series bonds CR 87/2019
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw (hereinafter: „the Company”, „the Issuer”), in respect of current report no. 42/2018 dated on 14/06/2018 in the matter of the allocation of O6 series bonds and no. 61/2019 dated on 15/11/2019 in the matter of the premature buyback of O6 series bonds, hereby inform that on December 4, 2019 made premature buyback of 6 432 bonds of O6 series for redemption them.
The Management Board of the Company decided to use a Possibility of Premature Buyback at call of the Issuer, accordance with the Terms and Conditions of issue of O6 series bonds.
Thereby, the Issuer boughtback the O6 series bonds in the whole.
Legal basis:
Article 3, Paragraph 1, Point 8) of the Exhibit 3 “Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules
The estimated operational and sales data of subsidiaries Aforti Finance S.A., Aforti Finance Romania IFN S.A., Aforti Exchange S.A., Aforti Exchange Romania S.A., Aforti Collections S.A. and Aforti Factor S.A. – November 2019 CR 86/2019
The board of Aforti Holding S.A. (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) headquartered in Warsaw hereby announces to the public the estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Finance S.A., Aforti Finance Romania IFN S.A., Aforti Exchange S.A., Aforti Exchange Romania S.A., Aforti Collections S.A. and Aforti Factor S.A. the Issuer’s subsidiaries for November 2019
1) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Finance S.A. for November 2019:
In November 2019 Aforti Finance S.A. granted 20 loans (decrease by 55,56%) with a total value of PLN 1 500,25 thousand, which is a decrease of 67,79% compared to the same month of 2018.
The value of submitted applications amounted to PLN 5 966,23 thousand and that is a result lower by 84,90% compared to the same period of the previous year. In November 2019, there were filed 83 loan applications, what in relation to the same month of 2018 is a reduction of 75,66%.
Cumulatively, after eleven months of 2019, Aforti Finance SA granted 161 loans (70,13% less YoY) with total value PLN 22 346,75 thousand and it is a decrease by 59,13% compared to 2018. In the period from January to the end of November 2019, there were filed 1 277 loan applications with total value PLN 191 272,68 thousand. The number of submitted applications was reduced by 64,57%, and their total value by 57,59% in relation to the same period in the previous year.
2) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Finance Romania IFN S.A. for November 2019:
In November 2019, Aforti Finance Romania IFN S.A. – an entity operating in Romania – has not granted any loans to entrepreneurs. At the same time, Romanian entrepreneurs submitted 7 applications last month for a total amount of RON 1 754,90 thousand.
After eleven months of this year the Company accepted 75 loan applications with a total value of RON
13 896,38 thousand. In this time were granted 14 loans with total value of RON 1 466,33 thousand.
On 31/10/2018, the Company obtained a license of a non-banking financial institution (IFN) allowing it to start operating activities.
3) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Exchange S.A. for November 2019:
The currency exchange platform’s turnover in November 2019 reached EUR 30 441,74 thousand and was higher by 2,97% compared to the same period of the previous year.
At the same time, after eleven months of the 2019, the turnover reached the level of EUR 396 915,17 thousand, an increase of 68,23% year-on-year.
4) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Exchange Romania S.A. for November 2019 :
The value of trading on the currency exchange platform in Romania in November 2019 amounted to EUR 13 916,63 thousand which is an increase of 34,58% in relation to November 2018.
In the period from January to the end of November 2019, Aforti Exchange Romania S.A. recorded EUR 152 680,91 thousand of the total turnover value, which in comparison to the previous year is an increase of 164,16%.
5) The total estimated operational and sales data of Aforti Exchange for November 2019:
The total value of trading on the currency exchange platforms of Aforti Exchange operated in Poland and in Romania in November 2019 amounted to EUR 44 358,37 thousand, which in comparison to the same period in the previous year means an increase of 11,16%.
At the same time, cumulatively after eleven months of 2019 the total value of turnover reached the level of EUR 549 596,08 thousand and it increased year-on-year by 87,10%
6) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Collections S.A. for November 2019:
Nominal value of debt collection commissions on November 2019 reached PLN 82 663,90 thousand. This is an increase by 2107,08% YoY. The number of recovery orders amounted to 5 329 and was higher by 227,33% compared to November 2018. The company concluded two contracts in the indicated month (lower by 60,00%).
Cumulatively, after eleven months of 2019, the nominal value of the debt collection orders amounted to PLN 417 735,52 thousand, which is an increase by 2431,91% year-on-year. The number of orders also increased by 1594,10% to 77 268. At the same time, the number of debt recovery agreements concluded after the eleven months of 2019, decreased by 27,54% to 50.
7) The estimated operational and sales results of Aforti Factor S.A. for November 2019:
In November 2019 the value of receivables financed by Aforti Factor S.A. amounted to PLN 2 276,74 thousand and was lower by 51,26% than in the previous year.
Further, after eleven months current year, this value reached level of PLN 38 713,52 thousand, recording an increase of 53,94% year-on-year.
A table containing estimated additional data, reported for November 2018 together with the comparative data, can be found in an annex to the current report.
Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information
Premature buyback of O6 series bonds CR 85/2019
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw (hereinafter: „the Company”, „the Issuer”), in respect of current report no. 42/2018 dated on 14/06/2018 in the matter of the allocation of O6 series bonds, hereby inform that on Novebmer 15,2019 made premature buyback of 2,800 Bonds of O6 series for redemption them.
The Management Board of the Company decided to use a Possibility of Premature Buyback at call of the Issuer, accordance with the Terms and Conditions of issue of O6 series Bonds.
Legal basis:
Article 3, Paragraph 1, Point 8) of the Exhibit 3 “Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules
Information concerning the sale of debts in the Aforti Group CR 84/2019
The board of Aforti Holding S.A. (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) headquartered in Warsaw hereby announces to the public, that he got the information that on November 15, 2019, the Issuer’s subsidiaries: Aforti Finance S.A. based in Warsaw (hereinafter: “Aforti Finance”) and Aforti Factor S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: “Aforti Factor”) concluded with Aforti Collections S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: “Aforti Collections”) the assignment agreements of overdue receivables from loans granted and financed invoices of small and medium enterprises.
The above debt portfolios were acquired by Aforti Collections for a total price of PLN 5,100,000.00 (in words: five million one hundred thousand PLN). The agreements do not contain suspensive conditions, nor do they provide for contractual penalties, and their other provisions do not depart from market standards used for such contracts.
Conclusion of the above debt sale agreements are dictated by the growing scale of operations of Aforti Factor and Aforti Finance, as well as the market practice followed by domestic and foreign entities with a similar profile of activity. The Aforti Collections company, which belongs to the Capital Group, is a debt collection company specializing in receivables management, including the purchase and servicing of debt portfolios, which will allow achieving the optimal financial result on managed portfolios being the subject of sale.
The above transactions will have an impact on the consolidated financial results of the Aforti Group, which will be presented in the periodic report for the fourth quarter of 2019. Upon obtaining reliable information in the above scope, the Issuer’s Management Board will publish an appropriate current report.
Legal basis: Article 17 para. 1 MAR – confidential information
Individual and Consolidated quarterly report for Q III 2019 QR 83/2019
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw encloses herewith the individual and consolidated quarterly report for the third quarter of 2019.
Legal basis: Article 5, Paragraph 1, Point 1) of the Exhibit 3 “Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market” to the Alternative Trading System Rules
Aforti Holding SA – Raport za 3Q 2019 – PL
Aforti Holding SA – Report 3Q 2019 – ENG