CR ESPI 27/2022 Acquisition of shares in Aforti Finance S.A. as part of a private subscription

The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: the “Company”, “Issuer”) hereby announces to the public regarding the acquisition by the Issuer of 10,884,311 series N shares of the Issuer’s subsidiary – Aforti Finance S.A. on October 6, 2022

Issue of shares in Aforti Finance S.A. had the nature of a private subscription and followed pursuant to article 431 § 1, § 2 point 1), § 3a, § 6 and § 7, article 432, article 433 § 1 and 2, article 430 § 1 and 5 and in connection with article 310 § 2 of the Commercial Companies Code.

The issue of Series N Shares took place on September 30, 2022. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Aforti Finance S.A. adopted a resolution on the issue of ordinary bearer shares in the number of up to 12,000,000 (twelve million) series N shares with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 (one zloty) each and an issue price of PLN 8 (eight zlotys) per share. The shares were covered by a non-cash contribution in the form of 25,112,827 shares in Aforti Factor S.A.

The purpose of the above transaction is the implementation of the adopted strategy, including building the most transparent business structure possible and the full concentration of resources on the dynamics of the development of services offered by the Issuer’s Capital Group. The intensification of the Company’s activities is aimed at a significant expansion of the business scale of the Issuer’s subsidiaries in the area of debt collection, factoring, currency exchange, and the EMI project.

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