CR ESPI 5/2021 – Conclusion of a significant agreement by a subsidiary- Aforti PLC

The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A., headquartered in Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, “Issuer” informs, that today it has received information from Aforti PLC, a subsidiary company based in the United Kingdom, that it has signed a conditional share purchase agreement with an EMI, an EU e-money institution licensed under applicable EU directives on payment services and e-money.

Upon fulfilment of the terms of the aforementioned EMI share purchase agreement, Aforti PLC will be entitled to acquire a controlling shareholding and commence operations of the company.

The acquisition of an EMI is part of Aforti Group’s strategy to become a pan-European provider of comprehensive financial solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises. The Issuer will inform about further stages of the investment in subsequent current reports.

Legal basis: Article 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR  – confidential information

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