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Current shareholder structure in Aforti Holding S.A. CR 27/2017
The Management Board of Aforti Holding SA with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter the “Issuer”) informs that due to the change of the proportion of shares held by Mr Klaudiusz Sytek (information announced in the Current Report 6/2017 ESPI) it presents the updated shareholder structure:
1. Kamilla Sytek-Skonieczna – 503.907 shares, which represent 6,46% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 503.907 votes in total, i.e. 6,46% of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;
2. Rafał Bednarczyk – 503.798 shares, which represent 6,46% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 503.798 votes in total, i.e. 6,46 of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;
3. Klaudiusz Sytek – 6 556.216 shares, which represent 84,03% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 6.556.216 votes in total, i.e. 84,03% of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;
4. Other shareholders – 237.974 shares, which represent 3,05% of the share capital of the Issuer and carry 237.974 votes in total, i.e. 3,05% of the total number of votes at a General Meeting of the Issuer;
Legal basis: Article 70 point 1 of the Act on Public Offering and Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading and Public Companies (Journal of Laws 05.184.1539).
Operational and sales results of Aforti Finance S.A., Aforti Exchange Sp. z o.o. and Aforti Collections subsidiaries for March 2017 CR 26/2017
The board of Aforti Holding S.A. (the “Issuer”) headquartered in Warsaw hereby announces to the public the operational and sales results of Aforti Finance S.A., Aforti Exchange Sp. z o.o. and Aforti Collections subsidiaries for March 2017.
Operational and sales results of Aforti Finance S.A. for March 2017:
The total value of loans granted by Aforti Finance S.A. in the period reported reached PLN 1 621,51 thousand.
The total value of loan applications reached PLN 11 536,79 thousand, a result approx. 351,56% better YoY. In March, there were 191 loan applications, which translates into a 180,88 % YoY growth.
Operational and sales results of Aforti Exchange Sp. z o.o. for March 2017:
The currency exchange platform’s turnover in March reached EUR 5 405,35 thousand and was 130,64 % higher YoY.
Operational and sales results of Aforti Collections for March 2017:
Nominal value of debt collection commissions in March 2017 reached PLN 4 491,31 thousand. This represents a decrease of 164,28 % compared to the previous month. The number of recovery orders amounted to 5 548 and was decrease by 141,22 % compared to February.
Due to the fact that Aforti Collections entity was registered on October 5 this year, The Management Board of the issuer publishes comparative data month-over- month.
A table highlighting additional data reported for March 2017, along with comparison data, can be found in an annex to the current report.
Resignation of a Supervisory Board Member CR 25/2017
The management Board of Aforti Holding Inc., headquartered in Warsaw, hereby declares that on April 3rd, 2017 we have received a written statement issued by Mr Dariusz Graff regarding him resignation from being an active member of our’s company’s Supervisory Board. Mr Dariusz Graff has decided not to disclose a cause of him resignation.
Legal basis: Paragraph 3 section 1 item 7 of the Annex to the Statue of the Alternative Trading System:”Current and periodic information conveyed in the alternative trading system at the NewConnect Market”
Resignation of a Supervisory Board Member CR 24/2017
The management Board of Aforti Holding Inc., headquartered in Warsaw, hereby declares that on April 3rd, 2017 we have received a written statement issued by Mr Robert Sieńkowski regarding him resignation from being an active member of our’s company’s Supervisory Board. Mr Robert Sieńkowski has decided not to disclose a cause of him resignation.
Legal basis: Paragraph 3 section 1 item 7 of the Annex to the Statue of the Alternative Trading System:”Current and periodic information conveyed in the alternative trading system at the NewConnect Market”
N15 Series Bonds Allocation CR 23/2017
The Management Board of Aforti Holding S.A. based in Warsaw, hereby informs that on 31st March 2017 The Board passed a resolution of N15 series bonds allocation („the Bonds”). Subscription of the Bonds was conducted in accordance to a resolution of The Management Board of March 30th2017 of N15 series bonds issue. In accordance to the resolution of N15 series bonds allocation, The Board allocated 455 (four hundred fifty five) N15 series bonds of 1.000,00 (one thousand) PLN both nominal and emissional value each and 455.000,00 (four hundred fifty five thousand) PLN in total. N15 series bonds are one-year unsecured bonds. Bondholders will be paid a monthly coupon at a constant percentage amount of 5,90% per annum. The N15 series bonds purchase date is 02nd April 2018. The issued bonds are denominated in Polish zloty and were offered in private issue mode, only on Polish territory.
Legal basis: Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Exhibit 3 (“Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market”) to the Alternative Trading System Rules.